Monday, August 25, 2014

Find my blog identity. What is this?

Blogging is now so common that you can easily find thousands of blogs in who-knows-how-many areas.

I do have a blog in addition to this. It's based on Korean website, Naver, and it's quite widely used. I dare say that Naver domain almost dominate the blog world at least in Korea.

I am currently posting everyday a short entry for each day. Usually in the morning (but next day early morning time in Korea). Another thing keeps me on track is the 100-day mission widget. Seeing the consecutive circle mark in the calender (widget gives you a circle on your calendar if you posted. You only have to post one).

But, I want to have a blog based on "English-language". Just imagine the number of people on earth speaking English. You can reach out to so many people. You don't have to learn the specific language that you want to communicate with them (although knowing more than one language can be the coolest thing ever)

So I figured that I would do my own version of the English-based blog.

I am at the farthest end of artsy (artistic). Neither handy nor craftsy. I do like watching other people's work and appreciate them, but when it comes to creating my own version of (you name it), I'm lost. Complete lost.

So I was like.."I wonder how many people would even find my blog and read this post when there are literally tons of high-quality and eye-pleasing template". I am still fighting with a thought that it doesn't have to be read and get comment from others.

Mere writing in English would keep  me in the loop of practicing my writing skills and grammar.
Naver blog template would serve my practice in Korean writing (I can't lose my mother tongue)

Several themes or ideas came to my mind for the identity of this blog.

1. learning-in-progress blog
The fact that I am not born with atritist-talent doesn't mean that I should avoid doing it. So far in my experience, I seem to enjoy drawing and making pretty things if I'm not evaluated and get the numeric value on it (like a grade). Korean school system didn't allow me to explore the aspect of enjoying the art itself, but I'm slowly learning it.

I curretnly fell in love with decorating daily page in my diary. I found an amazing hand-made inserts from Fish, Life Mapping Inserts. This led to me the new world of Filofax, Midori Traveler's Notebook, and so much more notebooks and stationary goods.

Having lived in Korea and being a student, it was almost automatical for me to be a stationary-junkie.
I can get easily swayed of anything that has pretty, cute, and lovely print/pattern/ on just about anything.
It doesn't help my wallet status, but it does give me great joy. (Bad that it doesn't last long)

so I thought maybe I can just document how I learn and imrpove diary decorating. Now I'm just mesmertizing others' work. There are TONS of people who are unimaginably talented or creative with just about everything from drawing to handwriting to bordering. I have watched many youtube videos about how they set up their own planners, any ideas or prompts to start their own.

It might give someone a boost of confidence that they can do at least better than mine. Trust me, I'm sure you can get a jolt of confidence from my work.

2. Illustrator/infographic learning blog
it is similar concept to the description above, learning-in-progress theme, but it would more focus on learning technical skills for Adobe Illustrator and eventually creating a infograpic.
I also came across the idea of visual thinking (visual notetaking in particular since I'm still student).

I experience countless time where I find myself at lost of the word or even the idea I want to convey to the person in front of me. So having visualized grapics would minimize the risk of misunderstanding and enhance the understading

so the concept is similar but mainly focus on Illustrator skills.
I plan to post my work (not sure if I can call it work because of the quality..), but in general, it is very similar to first theme.

3. Pharmacy study/ issues/ personal opinion

Since I'm pharmacy student, sharing and hearing about the issues in Pharmacy either in school or in real life is very interesting topic for me. But I know there are more reliable and reputable websites for health care providers to share their thoughts and knowledge, I can easily skip over this theme. Plus, I'm still learning so just stating my personal opinion (with respect) would be enough.

I haven't decided which area I want to do. As I said, I don't even know either any person (i mean A person) would read this and leave a comment (Hooray for them to find this).
Again, I'm still fighting with being okay for not having any comment or visitor numbers.

Hopefully I can maintain this mindset.

Bless you if you have read this so far.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Of course I can do !

When I go to saskatoon for university and start my new life, i will be fine.

When I start to exercise and don't care about what I eat, I will be just fine.

I believe my family's love towards me and my love for myself.

I'm so thankful about my grandma's support, love and holding me tight.

Love you, i will do my best not to let you down.

Promise you.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A u g 4 t h

Diversing project.

Trying to avoid obsession for something.

Try to verify options that I can choose.

Try not to bind just one thing.

Well, still it's difficult to me, but I will work on that seriously!

Keep fingers crossed for myself!

You can do it! Love you

from yourself
Aug 4th 2010

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Boa comeback!

Finally... she comes back with her new album!

I have listented her new songs, Game and persone next to me.

They are awesome! I think there will be more incredible songs in her new album!

I'm so happy and excited for her!


Thanks for awesome songs you have given us!

New nickname:)

I got new nickname from Kim, who is kinda mom-like person.

My nickname is..............................

Sunny! 한국말로는 '맑음이'

I love this nickname because it gives me a sense of optimistic life and being positive.

I would like to be one who giving sunny mood to people around me.

I will make it! Watch me!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

What an awesome day!

I hung out with one of my friends today.

She is a pretty amazing woman I've known. I think I am fortunate to know her.

We hung out at her house a little bit and went up to town. Then we drove aroudn the town and went for a coffee.

We had so much conversation with each other. Then I found out that I and she are pretty amazing people.

Today, I have such a good feeling about myself and food. I made wedge potato for supper and

I took a last piece of potato, which I have never done before. I was scraed to eat more after

finishing my portion.

I was amazed about my cooking skill! (Okat, maybe it only applied to wedge potato, but still)

I feel comfortable for having a feeling of fullness. That is pretty cool improvement for myself.

I will keep going on this feeling. Respect myself and give thanks to things and people around me.

I learned so much things today, and I will live on it.

I heard some shocking news and feel betrayed by others who I believed, but I will get over it.

because, I am Ji Eun Lee and i'm the leader of my life.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

want to learn self- love skills!

Wow... there has been so many pressure and conflict around my life...

I want to get rid of any pressure or conflicted matters from my life.

I'm still suffering from anorexia Nervosa. However I'm working with nutritionist and psychiatrist.

I'm kinda feel shame about this illness, but I need to recover from this so I can continue my life

healthy and happily.

I want to learn how to respect yourself and love yourself.

I still have fear about eating lots of food, especially fat and carbohydrate.

might be working with nutritionist is not enough..

I want to reorganize my brain, seriously.

Any advice??